About Kaski Electric....

Kaski Electric LLC is a full service electrical contractor specializing in light industrial, commercial, residential construction and service. We are an authorized dealer for Kohler Home Standby Generator systems and an approved Clark PUD CLIP contractor. Our mission is to provide you with the highest quality electrical installation. Whether you're a general contractor, public agency or home owner, we have the experience to complete all your electrical projects. Treating our clients fairly and honestly is the key to our success.

Great company! I would highly recommend Joel. He is very courteous and prompt and knowledgeable.

Bobbie K. - Yelp Review
We are a  Professional Electrical Contractor  serving Clark & Cowlitz Counties of Washington State since 2010 - Explore Our Services...




BENEFITS OF HIRING A PROFESSIONAL ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: Electrical systems are critical components of any building, whether it be residential or commercial. Over time, these systems can develop problems and may need regular maintenance or repairs. Although it can be tempting to fix these problems yourself or ask for help from a part-time electrician, There are many benefits of hiring a professional electrical contractor for the job: They have years of experience. Electrical services are a specialized industry. Technicians need a certain level of knowledge and training to be able to accurately assess systems and properly troubleshoot electrical problems. Kaski Electric has years of experience in the field and has provided services to hundreds of customers. With their expertise, they can help you tackle even the most complex issues. They provide reliable and safe electrical work. If wiring isn't connected properly, there’s a higher chance of electrical hazards that can damage your property and even harm you. Professional contractors are familiar with the risks associated with working on electrical systems & know exactly how to install the components of a system to make sure that it’s safe to put into service. Hiring a professional can save you time & money. Since they’re highly experienced, they will be able to troubleshoot electrical problems faster. They’re also familiar with the processes involved in electrical repair and maintenance, so you can be assured that they will perform them safely & efficiently. They’re insured, If you hire a contractor that has a liability insurance policy, it means that any expenses incurred due to damage to property or injuries on the job won’t be charged to you.